Wednesday, December 27, 2023
We all know the drill. You see it every year, all over social media… “New Year, new me!”
But how many of us actually stick to our New Year’s resolutions?
When making a New Year’s resolution, of course, we plan to follow through, but often, life gets in the way.
Human psychology swings toward instant gratification and what feels good in the moment, so it can be hard to ensure that the daily behavior happening actually aligns with the goal or change that we wish to accomplish.
In order to have a list of New Year’s resolutions that actually work, you have to start with a strong plan.
So, let’s take the time to review the key tips you need to make sure you can actually achieve your New Year’s resolutions this year.
Make A Detailed List of Your New Year’s Resolutions
Before we detail how to conquer your list of New Year’s Resolutions, there is one crucial first step. You have to take responsibility for what you didn’t accomplish last year.
That means you need to make a detailed list of what went right, what you accomplished and which experiences helped you grow.
Identify your WINS from the year and list them out, along with your shortcomings. Identify where you did not meet your goals and get specific.
What did not get done? Be honest about where and how you have been sabotaging your goals.
As much as it stings to admit we did not accomplish all of our goals, that is the first step to admitting that we are in CONTROL and that we are taking responsibility for our lives and what we wish to accomplish.
To Achieve Your Resolutions, Take Back Control
After looking closely at what went right and what didn’t, it is time to state, out loud,
“I now have 100% control of my life in 2024!”
Taking back your power can be scary, but it is also very empowering and exciting. Now, there is no one else to blame when you miss a workout or sabotage a meal plan.
Choose a New Year’s Resolutions Theme
The next step is admitting, “My goals won’t work unless I do.”
You can set all the goals you want for your New Year’s Resolutions, but unless you put the work in, your goals will be pointless. There is no reason to write down goals without the intention (and dedication) to follow through. That is why it’s important to pick an overarching theme for 2024.
Pick one word to sum up what you want the year to encompass for you as an individual. For example, your theme could be Consistency, Your Specific Weight Loss Goal, Happiness, Discipline, or Breaking Out Of Your Comfort Zone. This is personal and must be decided by you so that you know what your goals really point towards.
Set Resolution Goals That Excite & Inspire
It is important to remember that goal-setting is meant to be fun and inspiring. You must believe and know that you can achieve anything you set your mind to!
Setting goals is not supposed to feel boring, uninspiring, forced, or intimidating. It is your time to get yourself pumped up about the coming year and all that you can achieve for yourself.
You also don’t have to limit your goals based on your past or the obstacles you face now.
Don’t be afraid to think BIG, to dare, and to dream. If you can imagine it, you can make it happen.
Remember, all great things start with a tiny seed, a thought.
Resolve to Let Go Of What Doesn’t Serve You
The next step is to look at what is holding you back that you need to get rid of to accomplish your New Year’s Resolutions.
What do you need to sacrifice or let go to move forward? Make a list of things that you think might be the problem.
For me, I needed to stop eating Halo Top ice cream every day to stay healthy and on track.
What are your vices? Do you need to stop drinking a glass of wine every day? Drinking soda? Buying ice cream? Binge-watching Netflix? Choosing TV or hitting the snooze button instead of going to the gym? Only you know the answer to these questions.
Revisit the WHY of Your Resolution
It is key to outline: What are the positive payoffs for reaching your goals? What is your WHY?
And you may have multiple WHYs. That is just fine.
Maybe it’s being a better role model for your kids, or having the energy to play with your kids. Maybe you want to be able to fit back into your pre-baby wardrobe.
List the positive results that would come from meeting your goals. And remember, you are either growing in your goals, or you are dying and stagnating. Remind yourself of the consequences if you do not stick to your plan.
Examine What’s Not Working
In making the actual plan, start broad and then get detailed. Look at what you need to change. Do you need to eat better? Work out more consistently? Start working out? Be more honest with yourself? Are you tracking your food intake and exercise? Do you have an “all or nothing” mentality that is sabotaging your plans?
The things that need to change will be the new habits that you need to create. What are the things that only you know you’re not doing, and need to change? For help creating and maintaining those healthy habits, sign up for the FREE January 30 Day Slimdown today.
Start Where You Are
One mistake that I see women making a lot is thinking they need to “have everything together” before deciding they’re ready to begin/restart their weight loss journey.
The truth is, you just need to know where you don’t have it all together to know what you need to fix or improve.
You can start right where you are. Again, be open and honest with yourself. Don’t hesitate to add new things to your list every week or every month, as you think of them.
If new goals pop into your head, also write them down, whether you think they’re doable or not. Some examples are: run a 5k, get off my medications, lose 45 pounds, work out 6 times a week, meal prep on Sundays, wear a size 4 dress, only eat out once a week, drink a gallon of water daily, journal daily, say affirmations twice a day, quit smoking, walk with the kids, weigh in one time a month, don’t miss a check-in with my coach.
Get Specific With Your Goals
Another mistake I see often is that no specific goals are made in the list of New Year’s Resolutions.
To say you want to lose weight or get healthy is fine, but what does that look like for you, specifically? Is that losing 20 pounds? Losing 100 pounds? Drinking water instead of soda? Eating healthy instead of living on fast food?
Get super specific with your goals! Add dates and times so that those goals become tangible items with deadlines so you can hold yourself accountable (Example: Be at the gym and start working out at 6 AM on weekdays).
Otherwise, they could become a future thing that you just keep putting off.
Examine what you actually need to do to get to your goals and then follow through.
Create New Habits
It’s critical to realize that habits fuel everything. There is no such thing as willpower or motivation.
You have the same opportunities as everyone else to chase your goals. It is only a matter of ditching bad habits and replacing them with good habits.
Taking on empowering habits will create the “new you” that you’re wanting to be. If a scheduled commitment time does not work for you, make sure you adjust your calendar instead of deleting the workout or class.
Focus On The Positive Results of Your Resolution
When something feels challenging or uncomfortable, such as getting up early in the winter to hit the gym, turn the negative feelings into positive by focusing on how you will feel AFTER the workout.
Rehearse it positively instead of negatively in your mind. Your words and your thoughts carry so much power.
Make sure to tell a friend or coworker about your plans out loud. That way, your ears and brain hear you committing to do something and hold you accountable, instead of giving yourself a half-baked excuse not to follow through (like you may have done in the past).
See yourself in the gym in your mind, feeling energized and strong. Focusing on what good will come from the workout will put you in the right perspective to succeed. Stop the vicious cycle of trying and failing with the FREE January 30 Day Slimdown.
Reward Yourself for Having Resolve
Finally, choose rewards that match your small, medium, and large goals.
Pick tangible items or experiences that you will get or do once you hit certain milestones. For example, book yourself a day at the spa when you hit the 20-pound weight loss mark, or buy that dress two sizes down for a night out with your partner when you drop the weight.
Having things to look forward to will keep you motivated and excited.
Remember, your goals won’t work unless you do!
Now, go kick some butt during 2024, and check off all of those New Year’s Resolutions!